Saturday, December 28, 2013

Major doubt 2

The quadcopter has symmetry in three axes. So, the only quantities we need in the inertial tensor matrix are Ixx,Iyy and Izz. In the pentacopter, there is no symmetry in the x and y axes.This means that Ixy, Ixz, Iyx, Iyz, Izx, Izy all exist. 

for a quadrotor the following is what we would normally deal with.
Here, in the I3*3 matrix instead of having just three components, we have all 9, which means more computational time. Not the best words.

2. The fact is we gave unequal PWMs to each motor(on arduino) which means something is wrong with our center of mass not being at the center of gravity? Mass not equally distributed? How do you make sure it is equally distributed?
What we did- equal measurements two hard bases to keep the battery in between, will post the photo on 30th December.

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