Looks like I've not done the work again. Now, the main priority is to integrate a PID loop with the IMU bluetooth info and speed control of the motors. I have ten hours to do this. I can't believe that I sort of pissed off the guys. I wanted us to go to college. It gives me the spurs to work tonight - that we have to get something working tomorrow. It's been two days of no work and it shows. I felt bad that Vinod called me and sort of told me that he was really sick. But, we are meeting tomorrow. What are the things we are going to do tomorrow?
Finish the loop control of the motors. This might even be the final project. I know that I can write the code, but LVR is the only one who can make the practical part of it work. IT CAN BE DONE. I believe in us. I believe because ma'am trusts us to do this. And, she has trusted us above all else.
Other long term problems to solve.
1. dynamics of penta
2. inertial tensor matrix of penta== states of the state equation.
3. hardware- the battery charger- this is one whole deal by itself
Look at both these pages, some guys have been waiting since november for the delivery of these products. Is it possible for us to get these propellers from anywhere in India?
5. I've done two more sub programs of the simulation.
I need to do around 6 more, but I need to understand alot more of the stuff.
6. I should finish the arduino code at least by today, but, when I am looking at it today, after I do write the PID loop then, the controlled value can be translated to the motor velocity but even that needs alot more understanding of the dynamics, which will take some time.
I think we should go to college, because, otherwise, you live in a false fantasy world, anyway, I love SSN. Because ma'am gave us this great opportunity to work on this pentacopter.