Tuesday, January 21, 2014


On 19th Jan, I was using the mosquito racquet and a rat jumped in through the window. I was actually trying to repair the racquet. What had happened was that when I turned it on, there was a single position where the racquet was sparking up. It didn't fry mosquitoes anymore. Anyway, a small rat jumped in through the window. It was the size of my palm and my uncle was screaming "Hit it!". So, I hit it, and in the process broke the mosquito bat.

Since it was broken, I tried to see what was inside. And, in the process, I scavenged from around the house what I can now call my ' own toolkit' with screwdrivers, a pair of scissors and a small hammer. Apart from that, I do also have the big hammer and blunt cutting knife that I used to pry open my laptop adaptor.

So, what was inside?
The three wires mean that any mosquito caught between the internal white wire connected mesh(the ground) and the other positive terminals on either side gets shorted. It becomes a resistor that tries not to conduct electricity through itself

 The three meshes are shown over here
 The parts that broke were the plastic frame pieces.
 I had to use my screwdriver as a drill to get rid of a lot of plastic. The screw was 4 cm deep in a hole. I could never reach it. So, I broke all the plastic surrounding the screw. And, the white plastic casing came out. Since there was a battery inside, there was no way that I would take the risk of hammering the case and seeing what was inside. This was what I did in case of the HCL adaptor.
 Yes, you can see me having broken apart the area around the screw.
 This was kind of interesting. There were two things that were interesting. The 240V pins, operate on a spring jump kind of circuit. The
 The switch
 The switch has a casing, that looks a lot better(a brighter red) than I could find.
 This is a much simpler PCB. It is very simple to make. The interconnect layer is only on one side, with the components on the other side. So, the important thing to note is that it is not a multi layer PCB. As in the case of the ESC of the pentacopter that doesn't work.
 The cut wire was the positive terminal. It's the shorter wire.

 Well, I even took apart a multiplug point thing. This was because the screw of the biggest part had come out. It had to be screwed into from inside.

 This was the problem that I seeked to correct. And, it works Okay now.
 I also replaced the LED.


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